Pēc 2 gadu pārtraukuma Rīgā, tenisa klubā ENRI norisinājās gada lielākās Raketlona sacensības Baltijā - IWT Latvian Open 2022.
Vairāk kā 50 dalībnieki no 13 valstīm cīnījās par Latvijas Atklātā čempiona titulu - sacensībām bija pieteikti arī 4 sportisti no Pasaules Ranga TOP 10 (pa diviem sieviešu un vīriešu kategorijās).
We hope and believe you are ready for IWT Latvian Open 2022 - all draws and time tables are published at fir.tournamentsoftware.com (still some minor adjustments for game schedules to be made).
Below and attached some valuable information to make your trip and stay in Riga better.
Travelling from the airport and during your stay in Riga:
From the airport to city: bus No 22 or if you decide to go with taxi - please choose Baltic Taxi or Red Cab (official airport taxi companies).
On behalf of Latvian Racketlon federation with support of Association of Latvia Sports Federations - we are happy to invite You to IWT Latvian Open 2022, which taking place in Riga, capital of Latvia, July 8-10.
Latvian Open is in the Racketlon World Tour since 2015 and our organization Team we will to do best again to hold high level event with sporty atmosphere, smooth/well organized tournament schedule, experienced referees&volunteers and a lot of competitive matches.
Nedēļas nogalē, 12.-14.jūlijā Rīgā, tenisa klubā ENRI norisinājās Pasaules Kausa posms raketlonā - Latvian Open 2019, viens no trijiem "Victor Racketlon Series" turnīriem. Raketlons ir populārāko rakešu sporta veidu daudzcīņa, kur sportisti sacenšas 4 disciplīnās – galda tenisā, badmintonā, skvošā un tenisā.
Dear participant of "Victor Racketlon Series" Latvian Open 2019!
Just a few days left to our tournament and we will shortly see you all in Riga/Latvia at tennis club ENRI, so please find below some valuable info:
Schedule of games: available at Tournament Software - please check here. Please arrive to your game at time as well as follow warming-up rules during match. Sunday matches could be re-scheduled Saturday afternoon - please follow updates.
Transfers: if you have not sent us flight details - tomorrow July 10 / 10:00 (CET) is deadline if you want to use our free service. List of players who had confirmed details - in the attachment. Pick-up details will be send to all of tomorrow, July 10 / 18:00 (CET)
On behalf of Latvia Racketlon federation with support of Riga City and Association of Latvia Sports Federations - we are happy to invite You to IWT "Victor Racketlon Series" Latvian Open 2019, which taking place in Riga, capital of Latvia July 12-14.
Nedēļas nogalē Rīgā, tenisa klubā ENRI norisinājās IWT Latvian Open 2018, kur sacentās 99 sportisti no 18 valstīm. Kopumā tika sadalītas medaļas 17 kategorijās. Par sacensību uzvarētāju kļuva Lielbritānijas sportists Leon Griffith finālā pārspējot 2016.gada Latvian Open uzvarētāju Dan Busby (Lielbritānija). Bronzas medaļa Michal Horachek - jāatzīmē, ka šis ir pirmais Čehijas sportistu goda pedestāls Elites grupā vīriešiem raketlona vēsturē. Sieviešu konkurencē nepārspēta Pasaules čempione un ranga līdere Christine Seehofer (Austrija), sudrabs Zviedrijas sportistei Anna-Klara Ahlmer, bet trešo vietu izcīnīja Hannah Boden.